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Winbitx Review – Top Reasons To Choose This Broker

Christian Klausen

ByChristian Klausen

Jun 23, 2021
Winbitx Broker Summary
  • Overall Rating


Here at The Next Bitcoin you can learn about many trading platforms, one of them is Winbitx, we have concluded that Winbitx is a good trading platform, it is NOT a scam! Read our Winbitx review today and learn all you need to know about the Winbitx trading platform and why we recommend it for all traders.

Winbitx Review

Winbitx logoThe world of online trading has been changing at a consistent pace, and it is almost impossible to catch up with it if you are not well acquainted with the new technology. We live in the 21st century and haven’t even crossed half of it and already thinking about agility and automation in all of your daily and technical affairs. When it comes to trading, the beginner level traders see the worst of it; they start out of curiosity and then continue to be rattled among the professional and more knowledgeable group of professionals, advice from these is what beginners lack and why most of them remain unsuccessful. Trading platforms or brokers help beginner traders to have financial freedom via trading of profitable assets. Winbitx is among these renowned broker that helped both beginners and professional traders in the field of trading. If you want to know more about this trading platform then following is the Winbitx review that will give you a comprehensive introduction about the trading firm.

Brief Introduction to Winbitx

But with Winbitx, it is a little different. It is a trading platform that allows you to trade on all types of commodities, be it may forex, cryptocurrency or stocks. This whole platform serves beginners in the best possible way, it is not a hoax and not entirely a hit and run scheme where people are lured into signing up, and the platform doesn’t even care about how they would do in terms of trading. It is a whole platform supporting beginners and professionals alike with immersive content, real-time analytics, predictions and odds, and if you want to, then automated trading is also a service provided by the platform.

This way, you leverage all of your trading to be done by professionals who understand the markets better and have tons of experience in the field. But even so, it is a game of chance, and if you win, you get to keep a large sum of the deal while giving a fixed percentage to the professional in charge of your trading. Daily price alerts, trading signals, and historical reports are also available to you if you want to trade alone, backed with proper knowledge of the markets.

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Winbitx website

Learn Trading via Demo Account

With Winbitx, you are provided with as many options as the platform has to accommodate you on a better note. There are a bunch of trading options and different types of accounts for that; there is a real-time trading account meant for professional traders and, of course, a learning or demo account, if you may. The learning account, also known as the demo account, is used for demo trading that exactly replicates the real-time market situations for users to learn all there is to trading; all of this is done in a sandbox mode where penalties are not absolute and only meant for learning.

If you are a beginner, then sign up with the learning account to learn the trends and basics of the online trading markets in a simulated reality, which is an exact replica of the real thing. Once you have learned all there is to trading, such as defining odds, reading charts and refining your trading accordingly, you can finally join the real-time trading account to use your knowledge for making some real money. As soon as you sign up for a live trading account, you are introduced to a bunch of resources such as daily price charts, price alerts, trading signals, one on one coaching session with professionals, webinars to grow your knowledge of trading and much more. You can trade cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities and just about anything that has an online market.

This exclusive content can carve you into the trading expert that you always wanted to become. There is nothing shadowy here; if you are stuck with something, need help or want to make your moves as productive and fruitful as possible, then you can always ask for professional help. The data analysis system of the platform that churns huge bounds of data on a daily basis allows you to take trading hints and tips, currencies or cryptocurrencies that are destined to make a strong rebound in the next few sessions. The strong resilience of the platform towards AI and data analysis makes the trading hints more accurate and less left to the virtues of chance.

A User-Friendly Trading Platform 

Winbitx offers its users the most stunning UI (user interface) that they can find anywhere in a trading platform. Many beginners are bombarded and absolutely consumed with the difficulty that a trading platform presents them with. Either all the settings are hidden, out of sync or not very well segmented, this could send a beginner level trader down to the crazy town, taking them days or even a whole week to develop the basic understanding of the platform they are going to use for trading.

Some brokers are becoming mindful of this and are thus striving their very best to offer clients a much simpler and basic version of a trading platform that is concise and thus easier for people to understand. Winbitx, on the other hand, takes these things to a whole other level. It has introduced two different versions of a trading platform; one is extremely basic, where everything is practically laid out in front of the user. This means all the setting, price charts and signals are right in front of the user, and they can go about controlling all aspects of their trading from a single dashboard.

Talking about the professional dashboard setting that can be activated by the user anytime they want to, it is a little complex, but the ratio of complicatedness is reasonably accounted for regarding the experience of the user. Winbitx is also compatible with many operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Android, or iOS. You can have it installed on your personal mobile phone and laptop and continue to be in touch with your trading all day long, no matter where you are.

Winbitx trading platform

Top-Notch Trading Security

When it comes to choosing an online broker for trading, the security aspect of things is quite important. Never ever go to work with an online broker that has no certificate or anything to show for the security practices they have been engaging in to guard the precious data and the clients’ money. If there is a single weak link in the security detail, then the whole system could affect people trading on it. The clients’ personal information could get out or worse, yet their financial assets could be on the line, which is not a pleasant moment for anyone. The best thing here would be to install reasonable firewalls, antivirus systems, and 24/7 cloud security detail that intercepts each and every entry made to the platform, scanning its validity and such in real-time.

But when you trade with Winbitx, you won’t have to worry about the security of the transactions that you make or trading that you do. Winbitx team of security engineers has made sure that you always have the most smooth experience no matter the trade volume. Winbitx has installed the best line of security to tackle off the hackers and culprits trying to get control of the platform or, worse yet, trying their best to hack the security data, including personal and financial information of the clients.

Winbitx has installed top-of-the-line security equipment to ensure that this doesn’t happen; the thoughtful implementation of the security detail from Winbitx includes SSL certificates, encryption technology, and exclusive set up firewall systems that monitor every connection going in or out of the platform in real-time.

This is also done to ensure that no third party is able to break through this wall of defence to get their hands all over the sensitive information of the clients. Hence, when you trade with Winbitx, don’t let yourself be clouded with the thoughts of getting hacked or your essential data compromised in an elevated attack because the team of engineers at Winbitx are tirelessly working around the clock to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Option of Algo Trading

Algo trading is also known as algorithm trading, black-box trading, or, simply put as Algo trading. It is an automated type of trading, and a highly sophisticated AI is in charge of making all the trades. This sophisticated AI or algorithm continually monitors the market for its ups and downs and knows exactly when to issue a trade, on which commodity or tradable element, and how much the success rate is associated with that trade.

This is an option suitable for people who have the money and resources but are not willing to spend a sizable amount of time learning the art of trading, being glued to the screen, and looking for opportunities to finalize a trade. As a computer program or favourably, an algorithm will be able to do that for them. This helps you to generate an exuberant sum of money while you sit back and relax and do nothing.

At the same time, it doesn’t mean that the algorithm-based AI’s trading is immaculate and will only yield you profit, things could go real bad real fast, and the chances are that you might lose what you have traded for a specific transaction. But one thing that governs the outcome of the trade placed by an Algo AI is the feeding of data and churning of numbers to derive a conclusion from it in terms of data analysis, and you will be glad to know that Winbitx has allocated a sizable number of resources to this effect.

One thing is for sure that can’t be ignored that there will not be any common errors generated by the presence of humans in terms of the Algo trading for sure, and it relatively increases your chances at success.

Effective Customer Support

Winbitx has issued a generous sum of money towards customer support that takes calls and receive emails from clients all but one day of the week and will respond to your queries in real-time. The customer support is active for six days and 24 hours.

If you ever feel stuck with a dedicated trade or transaction that you have made and need assistance with it, then it is best that you contact Winbitx customer support, and a professional will be with you shortly to go over the issue that you are facing with your trade. Get professional assistance through a single call or an email sent to Winbitx customer support.

Other online brokers might also provide you with over the top customer support, but response time becomes an issue as the agents might not be free to take on your query, and you might be put on hold. Being placed on hold indefinitely is the worst of all, and during all that wait, many people choose to terminate their call in between, and the end result is that they become unhappy with the platform and start looking for some other.

But with Winbitx, this is not an issue because as soon as an email or call comes in with your name placing a query, a professional will reach out to you simultaneously and work tirelessly to solve whatever issue you are facing. If, by any chance, the issues that you are facing are of monetary nature, then you might have to wait a little longer for your call or email to be redirected to a specific department that can sort this issue of yours. You will not feel deserted any time and will receive the best of the customer support an online brokerage has to offer.

Deposits and Withdrawals with Winbitx

At Winbitx, the developers completely understand the importance of transaction security and have made sure that any type of transaction, whether small or large, local or international, should be dealt with according to a proper security procedure. The company issues the deposits and withdrawals of the funds by traditional methods, including Visa and MasterCard, Bank wire transfer, and crypto-wallets. This way, the security of the transaction remains intact, and there is nothing questionable remains in there at all.

Although there is one thing that you need to know, the withdrawal process can be slow for certain investors, depending on the type of withdrawal they have selected. Usually, it would take about 5-7 days for funds to be cleared, and this is the extended period in which money should be cleared for you, but if for some reason it doesn’t, then you can take up the matter with the customer support and get it fixed.

Backed up by KYC and AML Regulations

If one thing can separate the scamming online brokers from the legit ones, then it is the presence of both KYC and AML regulations. The KYC (know your customer) regulation means that the very platform that you are using for the sake of trading is going to collect the identifiable data of the user/client so that the person can be identified. This means that no one else can trade on your behalf, which increases the security and strengthens the platform’s reputation in general. Many people are in the habit of using computer-generated scripts or bots for the sake of trading, but this very regulation right there stops them from doing so.

Another regulation that restricts users to use the very platform they are trading on for the sake of money laundering is the AML (anti-money laundering) regulation. According to this policy, the complete personal and financial information of the user working with a trading platform needs to be assessed properly and subjected to rigorous checking to make sure that no unethical transfer of money is taking place on the platform.

Both these regulations combined instate that the very trading broker that you have chosen to work with is completely legit and is registered with various accrediting bodies to begin with. Winbitx has both of these regulations in effect, which means that the platform is legit and not a potential scam, so go ahead with it but still exercise some caution such as not to engage with high-end trading before completing some initial training with a demo account where you actually get to learn something.


All of it comes down to this; do you want to begin with trading as an ultimate career? Do you want to learn the absolute trade of trading and living an independent life? If so, then Winbitx is the right platform for you, even if you know nothing about trading. The professionals who have designed an immaculate portfolio working with forex, cryptocurrencies and commodities will be able to help you out whenever you need it.

Withdrawals and deposits are safe, the whole platform is secured with proper encryption, so there is nothing to be afraid of. However, don’t engage with prime features and offerings of the platform before you get to learn something from it first and before you can witness one of your trade paying out, you earning a profit and withdrawing it, just to be on the safe side of things.

Christian Klausen

Christian Klausen

Christian Klausen is a talented news writer renowned for his compelling storytelling and comprehensive research. With a sharp eye for detail, his articles offer readers a thought-provoking and well-informed perspective on a wide range of current topics.

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