• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Initial Coin Offering Regulation and Prohibition: Swiss and Australian Regulators Are Investigating ICOs And South Korea Has Banned ICOs



Nov 2, 2017

SWISS financial regulator has made an official post on their website about ICOs. So has the Australian financial regulator ASIC. Both are making inquiries into ICOs and we have a feeling they will in the future try to either regulate or prohibit them. At the same time the South Korean financial regulator has issued a press release stating that ICOs are now prohibited in South Korea.

Swiss, Australian and South Korean Regulators Weigh In On ICOs
<span> <span style=font size 14pt>Swiss Australian and South Korean Regulators Weigh In On ICOs<span>

These updates regarding ICOs, Cryptocurrency and regulators are nothing new. Up until now about a dozen regulators have weighed in on ICOs and either warned about them or even prohibited them, making them ilegal in some countries such as China and now also South Korea.

Learn more in following articles and posts:


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