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Editorial Claims Florida Trial Will Unveil Mysterious Inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto



Nov 14, 2021

Mainstream media has been publishing news and editorials all suggesting that there is a possibility that a court trial, which apparently is taking place in Florida, will unveil the most mysterious person in the world namely “Satoshi Nakamoto” i.e. the creator behind the lead crypto coin. For the past few days, the crypto community has been keen on reading articles and news discussing Satoshi Nakamoto and waiting for the outcome of the Florida Trial.

Ten days ago, a court trial was initiated in a Court in Florida under the case titled “Kleiman Versus Wright”. The trial of the case has been attracting huge interest from the general public, especially from the crypto community. Similarly, the trial’s proceedings are thoroughly covered in news articles as well as several editorials and columns too have been written on the trial. All this hype is created because the trial involves the mysterious name on earth i.e. the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. It is said that the court trial is going to be historic as it could end up unveiling Satoshi Nakamoto’s real identity.

If one examines the Google trend since October 2021, with the perspective of Nakamoto, then huge interest can be seen. According to Google, there has been a 48.71% increase in searches relating to topics involving the name “Satoshi Nakamoto”.

Even in the mainstream media, claims have been raised that the Florida trial will unmask the person known to be the maker of Bitcoin.

The case stems from the alleged manipulation of funds between the family members of Kleiman and an individual named, Craig Wright. Ira Kleiman and Dave Kleiman were two brothers and Dave was a specialist in computer forensics. However, Dave died but he had huge assets in his ownership which the Kleiman family claims that Wright has embezzled. It has been claimed by Dave’s brother Ira that Dave had owned a huge quantity of Bitcoins which are now in Wright’s possession.

While talking to the Wall Street Journal, the lawyer of Kleiman in the case, said that his clients have a strong case against Wright. He said that Dave had an agreement with Wright which provided for minting of 1 million Bitcoins. However, the lawyer of Kleiman was bashed in the public because the public believed as if Freedman is authenticating Wright’s claim to be “Nakamoto”. Even the editorial published by Wall Street Journal was criticized by the general public and labeled as an “irresponsible publication”.

However, the believers of Wright have strong faith that the trial is eventually going to reveal the identity of Nakamoto in public. The trial does not involve proving the identity of “Satoshi Nakamoto” but even then it has become public interest litigation.

It is expected by Wright’s believers that when the trial is concluded, nobody would doubt that Wright is the “maker of Bitcoin”.


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