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Cryptopoint72 Review – Top Reasons To Choose This Broker



Mar 24, 2022
Cryptopoint72 Broker Summary
  • Overall Rating


Here at The Next Bitcoin you can learn about many trading platforms, one of them is Cryptopoint72, we have concluded that Cryptopoint72 is a good trading platform, it is NOT a scam! Read our Cryptopoint72 review today and learn all you need to know about the Cryptopoint72 trading platform and why we recommend it for all traders.

Cryptopoint72 Review

Cryptopoint72 logoIf you have been on the lookout for a good and dependable cryptocurrency broker, but are unable to make up your mind, then you need to look at their distinguishing features to make a decision. One of the crypto brokers that will pop up on your list is Cryptopoint72 and you should check out its unique features before you proceed any further. Check out the Cryptopoint72 review below to know what you will get.

In 2009, a mysterious individual known by the title of Satoshi Nakamoto launched the first cryptocurrency named Bitcoin. The decentralized and anonymous nature of this cryptocurrency received a rather lukewarm response and most people thought it would not survive for long. Indeed, many countries banned the use of these digital currencies, as they believed they could only cater to the criminal element and not be of any use. No one could have imagined that only a decade later, they would become one of the most valuable assets in the market.

Despite Bitcoin not getting the kind of response expected by its founder, the cryptocurrency managed to survive and was joined by a few others. But, it wasn’t until 2017 that the cryptocurrency market really picked up and by its end, Bitcoin and the overall cryptocurrency market soared to new heights. The pioneer currency hit a whopping $20,000 per coin and staunch supporters and enthusiasts finally got a big payoff. Of course, the news about people making millions was bound to pique everyone else’s curiosity and millions of people all over the globe began jumping the bandwagon.

By then, cryptocurrencies had proven that they were not going anywhere and there has been a steady influx of people in the market. Cryptocurrency brokers were established to cater to these people, as they needed to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. 2020 saw the world turn upside down by the coronavirus pandemic, but the cryptocurrency market actually experienced a rise no one could have predicted. Bitcoin began climbing at the end of the year, breaking past its previous all-time high, and continued in 2021.

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During this time, with the economy struggling and people looking for a source of income, there was once again a huge number of entering the crypto space and are still continuing to do so. The number of cryptocurrencies has also surged in the last decade, as has the number of cryptocurrency broker. So, when you are considering joining the bandwagon, you will first need to navigate the sea of brokers to find the one that can be the right choice for you. First off, it is important to remember that just because one cryptocurrency broker suits someone is no guarantee it will work out for you as well.

Everyone has different demands and expectations from their crypto investment and not all brokers are capable of meeting them. Thus, you need to do your own research and take the distinguishing features of a crypto broker into account before you make your choice. In addition, it shouldn’t be forgotten that quantity is no guarantee of quality. Just because there are hundreds of crypto brokers doesn’t mean that all of them are legitimate and reliable.

Cryptopoint72 website

As a matter of fact, like other financial markets, the ‘Cryptoverse’ has also been targeted by cybercriminals in the form of scam platforms and fraud brokers. There are also some that are just not up to standard and not worth using because of the low quality services they offer. Picking out a cryptocurrency broker randomly and not doing your research opens up the possibility of you opting for such a platform. You certainly don’t want that and the best way to avoid it is to look at their distinguishing features.

Regardless, you need to check out the distinguishing features of Cryptopoint72 in order to reach a conclusion and this review can help you in doing so:

Feature 1: Top-Notch Security

It is a well-known fact that the internet has improved our lives and brought conveniences that no one could have imagined. While there are undoubtedly a horde of benefits that you can get, the online world does not come without its risks. Cybercrimes have become quite rampant over the years and there have been numerous incidents where people had their privacy and security breached. Their personal information was stolen and misused and some also lost their money. The financial markets have seen such incidents happen routinely, as there is a lot of money and confidential data involved.

Obviously, it is not something to be ignored to online platforms take measures and steps to minimize the risks as much as possible. Unfortunately, not all platforms follow the same criteria and you will find that some of them can actually be quite lacking in this regard. You definitely do not want to end up with a cryptocurrency broker that falls in this category. The crypto market is highly volatile, which means you are already taking on investment risks, and you certainly don’t want to deal with these security risks.

Consequently, your priority should be to find a cryptocurrency broker that provides a secure environment for you to invest in. If you are constantly worrying about your security and privacy, there is a possibility that you won’t be able to focus and this can result in major setbacks that you would rather not face. The security and privacy policies of a cryptocurrency broker can be one of their distinguishing features, depending on how much time and effort they have put into them. In this scenario, you will be left impressed with what Cryptopoint72 has done.

The top-notch security and the attention to privacy that this cryptocurrency broker has paid will leave you with peace of mind, while you go about investing your hard-earned money in the cryptocurrency space. You will see that Cryptopoint72 has worked hard to ensure the security of your funds, along with the privacy of the personal and confidential information you entrust them with. This is what everyone wants from a cryptocurrency broker and it has been provided to you here. Firstly, they ask their clients to safeguard their account by not sharing their password with anyone and using strong ones.

The Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) security policies are also implemented by Cryptopoint72 for securing their platform. As per the rules of these policies, anyone signing up for an account on the crypto broker would have to give proof of identity and residence. It is a way of preventing any fake accounts from being made and can be quite helpful in eliminating illegal activities like financial fraud, identity theft and money laundering. Users have to submit some documents for providing the aforementioned proof.

Cryptopoint72 security

This includes a driver’s license, a national ID card or an international passport for proof of identity. A utility bill, such as water, electricity or gas, or a bank statement would be sufficient for proof of residence. Of course, these are very sensitive details that you wouldn’t want to share with anyone because they can misused if they end up in the wrong hands. Therefore, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption is used by Cryptopoint72 for protecting it all. Even if cybercriminals do manage to break into their network, they will not be able to misuse any of the data because it will be encrypted and fairly useless for them.

It is understood that you will have to deposit money with Cryptopoint72 in order to invest in cryptocurrencies and there is a risk of theft and misappropriation here. To minimize these, customer accounts are kept segregated by the broker from its own, so no misappropriation can happen. The money is only used for investment purposes and nothing else. In the event of bankruptcy, it would be returned to the users and is kept with the best financial institutions for preventing theft. As far as privacy is concerned, your information is not licensed, shared or rented without your permission.

Feature 2: Impressive Cryptocurrency Offerings

While it is true that most people are attracted towards the cryptocurrency market because of Bitcoin and its colossal rise, there are a multitude of other cryptocurrencies that exist and have proven to be quite profitable. There are thousands of options to explore in the market and new ones are also being added regularly. The best way to make the most of your cryptocurrency investment is to invest in more than one digital currency. This strategy is referred to as diversification and has been used in the financial markets for years.

It is designed to mitigate the risks associated with these markets and also helps in maximizing returns. For instance, if you suffer from losses in one cryptocurrency, your profits in another can help set it off. Considering the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, this move is a smart one and can protect you from losing everything in one go. However, if you want to diversify, you need to look for a cryptocurrency broker that gives you room to do so.

There are plenty of brokers out there that focus on specific cryptocurrencies and don’t offer variety. Likewise, you will also find some that are vague about their crypto offerings and this can be disappointing later. Plus, you will also come across crypto brokers that make tall claims about their offerings, but the reality turns out to be different. You have to be aware of all these ploys and check out an broker’s offerings thoroughly before you sign up. This is where Cryptopoint72 has managed to distinguish itself because it is not just making false promises when it offers a variety of cryptocurrencies.

When you check out the cryptocurrencies you can buy and sell, you will find that Cryptopoint72 delivers exactly what it has advertised. There are more than 15 digital assets to be found here and they are some of the most profitable and prominent cryptocurrencies that can help you diversify your portfolio the right way. They give you room to choose from Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, Bitcoin Cash etc. and these options can be quite handy when you want to enjoy profits from the crypto market and keep your risks minimized. You will be able to diversify your crypto investment easily and not have to sign up on several platforms simultaneously.

All of these cryptocurrencies can be traded from the same account, which makes it significantly easier for people to manage their investment. You don’t have to open an account on multiple brokers for investing in different cryptocurrencies because Cryptopoint72 provides the choices you need and is constantly working on adding more options for your convenience.

Feature 3: Quick Registration

No matter which cryptocurrency broker you choose, you will be required to register with them and open an account. This is the norm for any online platform you use today, be it social media networks, or any ecommerce website. But, the registration process is not the same everywhere. There is no fixed format that these websites or platforms use and they are free to devise whatever steps and procedures they see fit. Registering for an broker or platform can be a nightmare for some people, due to the sheer number of prerequisites they have to fulfill and the steps they are asked to complete.

As a matter of fact, some people tend to become so frustrated that they leave halfway during the process and prefer not to resume it at all. You can find such horror stories for cryptocurrency brokers as well. Some of them ask people to provide detailed personal information, which you may not be comfortable in sharing until you have developed some trust. In most cases, such brokers turn out to be very shady and is best to avoid them. If they do require information for verification, it can be asked at a later stage.

Secondly, others have a long and time consuming process where they have several forms to be filled out, or ask people to sign different agreements or make them wait for their registration request to be approved. When you are eager to get started with crypto investing, you don’t really want to put up with such paperwork and hassle. You want a quick and straightforward registration process and Cryptopoint72 has obliged its clients in this regard, making it one of its distinguishing features. Their registration process is exactly as advertised and they do not mislead you in any way.

When it comes to prerequisites, people have to be 18 or above to use Cryptopoint72 and complete the online form that’s part of their registration process. You can easily find the form on their website when you click on the ‘Join Now’ option on the top right. It is just a couple of lines you have to fill, as it asks for an email address and password. These are important because they will be used as login details for your account on the crypto broker. A mobile phone number is also requested, which will be used for authentication and verification purposes.

The last step is to agree to the Terms & Conditions of Cryptopoint72, which are listed in detail on their website. You can go through them at your leisure and then agree by clicking ‘Accept’. The registration process comes to an end here and you can get access to the broker straight away. It will not take you more than a couple of minutes to get this done, which is definitely an impressive feat.

Feature 4: A User-friendly Platform

Have you ever thought about how these cryptocurrency brokers help you in buying and selling digital currencies? How do they connect you to the market and provide you the tools needed? This is where their trading platform comes in, which is the software developed especially for this purpose. Crypto brokers are free to offer any kind of platform to their clients because they can develop their own and decide what features to add and eliminate, depending on what they deem suitable. A one-sized-fits-all approach cannot be used here because the cryptocurrency market is unlike the other financial markets out there.

Thus, the platform has to be up to the mark to keep up with the fast-paced market and make it easier for people to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. It is another aspect where you will find Cryptopoint72 to be unique because they have used innovative technology for powering their platform, allowing it to help people in making the most of their crypto investments. Not only does the platform connect them to the crypto market, but also boasts tools that can be used for making smart and profitable decisions in a timely manner.

Despite the cutting-edge technology, the Cryptopoint72 platform is user-friendly and they have ensured that everyone can navigate it easily, whether they are new to the world of cryptocurrencies, or have invested in them before. Nonetheless, the simplicity doesn’t mean that it makes compromises in terms of performance because it works just as efficiently and quickly. The platform is accessible through their website, which makes it flexible as well because you can use it on any available device.

To add to the users’ convenience, mobile apps have also been developed by Cryptopoint72 for Android and iOS devices and they allow people to trade on the go. This ensures that they can capitalize on all market movements, regardless of where they are. As for tools, there have been some notable additions like a currency converter that can tell you exactly how much you will be have to pay or get in your chosen currency. There are live charts, graphs, trading indicators, various analysis tools as well as risk management tools that can be useful for making decisions.

Feature 5: Robust Client Support

Cryptocurrencies are still a relatively new asset and it is natural for people to have questions and queries about them when they are investing their hard-earned money into these digital currencies. When you sign up on a cryptocurrency broker, you may be overwhelmed by the steps or the procedures and it is natural to want to understand how you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies the right way. In this situation, client support can play a very important role and as Cryptopoint72 is a customer-oriented broker, they have not skimped in this regard.

You can visit the Contact Us section on their website to know how to contact their client support department. They are available 24/5 and you can send them an email, or give them a call on the details provided there. You will also find an Online Contact form on their website that can be used for contacting them and scheduling a call at a suitable time. You will find their representatives to be helpful and knowledgeable.


When you consider the distinguishing features of the Cryptopoint72 cryptocurrency broker, it is easy to see that they have made a great deal of effort to provide a solid solution to help people in earning money from these digital currencies.


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