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Crypto advice for 2022



Nov 10, 2021

The following are the 3 best pieces of advice for you if you are keen to begin crypto trading in 2022. If you follow this advice, you are sure to increase your chances of success when you actually begin crypto trading.

Do not just purchase because you see the price is very low

It is true that most of the crypto trading beginners around the world make one common mistake: that is purchasing a crypto coin because it price on the market seems to be low or what they think to be something cheap enough to buy at that time. As a case to point, take someone who opts for Ripple rather than Ethereum just because Ethereum is more affordable.

The important decision to invest in a particular crypto coin actually needs to have very little to do with how affordable it is but a lot to do with its cap in the market.

Similar to how traditional stocks are assessed by their market caps, whose evaluation is carried out by making use of the formula existing Market Price multiplied by Number of Outstanding Shares, the same is applicable to cryptos.

There happens to be no discrepancy between having a crypto coin priced at 10 dollars per coin with a total volume of 1 million shares in the crypto market and the same crypto coin being priced at 200 dollars with 200,000 shares in the market. For this very reason, it is just more justifiable to make use of a crypto coin’s market cap to make the decision whether or not to make the investment in it than leveraging its price. The higher the market cap of a crypto coin, the more ideal it is for your investment- keep this crucial point in your mind at all times!

This one is for investors in Altcoin!

An important thing you need to know about Altcoin if you are interested in investing in this particular crypto in 2022 is that a large number of altcoins end up losing their value over a particular period of time, at times in an unusually short time period. It is, thus extremely important for you to understand that whenever you decided to hold an altcoin for the long run, it is prudent and always in your best interests to not hold the coin for too long.

One of the most effective measures of crypto coins that are ideal for long-term investment is the daily volumes of trading. The higher the daily volume of trading, the more ideal a crypto asset is for investment in the long-term!

If you are deciding to go long term with cryptos, it is best if you invest in some of these coins that might be better options for you: Monero, Ethereum, Dash, and Factor. In case you did not know already, these particular coins have decent volume of trading on several crypto exchanges around the globe.

Make sure that you also observe the charts of these crypto coins and take important note of the several price spikes – the trends can assist you in knowing the periods are to buy or sell a crypto coin.

Begin to Implement Immediately in your Crypto Trading

This one is the final advice for you if you are keen to begin crypto trading in 2022.

Use the feature of goal setting by placing sell orders: Ensure that you set your targets for revenue by putting sell orders in order books. You might never know when your particular order price will be achieved, earning you precisely what you required.

Take it simple while you crypto trade: You might have heard that the best crypto traders polished the art of keeping cool even when things seemed to be going south Yes, that sounds crazy but it is important that you develop the skill of trading objectively and not emotionally as the latter can backfire for you!


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