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Coinbase New Policy Adds More Hype And Drama To US Presidential Elections



Oct 9, 2020
Coinbase New Policy Adds More Hype And Drama To US Presidential Elections

Very recently, Coinbase’s Chief Executive Officer, Brian Armstrong shunned everyone in the US. The CEO promulgated a nationwide policy amongst its employees countrywide. The fresh policy debars Coinbase’s employees from taking part in political debate regarding US Presidential Elections.

Brian Armstrong said in the policy that the company will not tolerate if anyone found violating the policy. He also warned that if anybody wants to take part then he is free to leave the company.

However, the remarks of Coinbase’s CEO were not taken likely by the US citizen and social media communities. Brian was heavily criticized for promulgating the new policy. He was bombarded with the harshest remarks which suggested that he cannot debar anyone from using his constitutionally guaranteed rights.

This led to an exchange of tweets between the CEO and management of the globally popular social messaging app, Twitter. Even though some from the general public commended the policy by saying that businesses should stay away from political activism. However, some suggested that the policy is out of time. It does not necessitate to stop people from taking part in healthy debate, some remarked.

In an anticipation of heavy criticism would come from all quarters, Brian had muted comments. However, yet one critical comment made through, which was from a former representative of Coinbase, Reuben Bramanathan. He said that being a part of the economic sector, Coinbase should not ignore its social responsibility. He stated that Coinbase cannot restrict people not to share their thoughts while elections directly affect their lives and concerns.

Some even commented that the implementation of such policies will badly affect the business of exchange in the long run. A user of twitter also tweeted that this will encourage the talented youth to join the exchange.

However, Brian as well as the Coinbase’s management is firm in fully imposing the fresh policy. Brian also said that those who disagree with the policy can leave the exchange at any time. But the exchange will not allow anyone to indulge in political debates in any circumstances.

The US Presidential elections are expected to take place only a couple days after.


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