• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

CFDAdvanced Review – Top Reasons To Choose This Broker

Phillip Seefeldt

ByPhillip Seefeldt

Jul 28, 2021
CFDAdvanced Broker Summary
  • Overall Rating


Here at The Next Bitcoin you can learn about many trading platforms, one of them is CFDAdvanced, we have concluded that CFDAdvanced is a good trading platform, it is NOT a scam! Read our CFDAdvanced review today and learn all you need to know about the CFDAdvanced trading platform and why we recommend it for all traders.

CFDAdvanced Review

CFDAdvanced logoThis CFDAdvanced review is based on my opinion, which I have established after its in-depth study. CFDAdvanced possesses the potential to enhance your trading experience with the help of its modern tools and features. When people gather for any reason, they often talk about trading and hefty amounts of profit, but they do not tell how hard trading is. Thanks to the online brokerage platforms, especially the loyal ones like CFDAdvanced, trading has become easy and convenient. But trading is not possible without a broker, and if you mistakenly select the wrong broker for yourself, then forget profit and worry about your own deposit money.

Fresh traders come into this business in pursuit of their high goals and unlimited dreams. They dream of becoming prosperous by earning huge amounts of money, but it may not be possible by trading a single asset. That is why CFDAdvanced provides an opportunity to earn money by trading a wide range of assets. The assets available on this platform are indices, Forex, securities, commodities, CDFs, and cryptocurrencies. All these assets are highly rewarding, but some of them, like cryptocurrencies, have the potential to earn you more than 300% profit. That is why when you come on this platform, feel free to select any of the offered trading assets. This broker will be at your service 24/7.

It is always a good idea to read reviews about a broker before signing up with it because the market is full of such brokers who advertise gold but deliver bronze. This is the reason which tempted me to write this detailed review to help you make your mind. I have studied many brokers, including CFDAdvanced, and honestly speaking, I have found CFDAdvanced a lot better than many other brokerage firms. CFDAdvanced is the broker which aims to help and assist its traders so that they can achieve peace of mind.

One thing which I want to clarify in advance is that this brokerage platform provides hundreds of features and services that is why I may not be able to cover its all advantages in a single review, but I am sure that you will be satisfied and convinced by reading only a few of its plus points.

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CFDAdvanced website

A Broker Equipped With Amazing Features

I am going to discuss all the features and services which are available on the CFDAdvanced platform one by one. First of all, as the platform is used by traders from all over the world, it is available in three different languages. Yes, if you do not understand one language, then you can shift to another language. The languages available on the platform are English, Dutch and French. After creating your account with the platform through a simple and straightforward process, you can start trading any of the assets you can think of.

The website assists in trading instruments such as indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and foreign exchange. CFDAdvanced also provides modern tools which keep the traders up-to-date with each and every change occurring in the trading market. Another perk that its customers enjoy is that they can deposit and withdraw funds free of cost. The platform charges only the standard 2% fee on the initial deposit at the time of registration.

This platform is famous among traders for its security measures because it gives proper attention and security to its valuable customers. It has implemented various security protocols, and without fulfilling the requirements of these protocols, your registration form will remain incomplete. It means that every single trader is required to submit documented proofs to get registered and earn money on this platform.

Multiple Trading Assets

Online trading is a broad term that covers hundreds of trading instruments. You can purchase popular currency and wait for its price to go up so that you can earn a profit, or you can stock food items in bulk. If you are interested in buying shares of your favorite multinational company, then it is also possible. CFDAdvanced will help you in all types of trading. In fact, you can trade all of these instruments at a time with the help of this amazing platform. It allows to trade with 250+ profitable instruments.

The most lucrative and widespread asset for trading online is cryptocurrency. From the creation of the very first digital currency, Bitcoin, till now, 12 years have passed, and in these years, 5000+ new coins have emerged in the market. Not only their price but their features also differ from each other, which is why CFDAdvanced provides the facility to trade many of these coins conveniently. Some of the altcoins offered by CFDAdvanced are Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Tether, and Bitcoin Cash.

CFDAdvanced trading assets

Why Prefer This Broker?

As I told earlier that coverage of all the advantages of CFDAdvanced in one review is not possible because it is brimming with features, but I will try my best to share with you as many as I can. It offers the lowest price of trading instruments to its customers to provide a higher profit margin. The pricing is kept 100% transparent so that you can cross-check it in the market.

Funds or the investment of a trader is the backbone of trading. If unluckily a trader loses his/her investment, it means that he/she has lost backbone. To strengthen and safeguard your investment, CFDAdvanced provides protection of funds. The investment money of traders is transferred to cold wallets which remain offline to avoid cyber-attacks. Hacking of platform from outside is not possible thanks to the protective walls of the website, while on the inside, no criminal is allowed to register on the platform, which means that it is safe from both the inner and outer side.

Traders with higher education and varied experience are more likely to earn more profit, that is why I suggest you dedicate some time to trading education. You will be happy to know that for this purpose, you will not have to find a tutor because CFDAdvanced has already provided a solution for this. There is plenty of educational material made available on the platform, which is available for all the traders. In addition to basic knowledge, it also provides material related to advancement in financial technology and the use of artificial intelligence in trading.

Interactive Graphics Of The Platform

When a trader reaches a brokerage platform, the first thing he does is that he analyzes how difficult or easy the navigation is. Technical people get acquainted with complex GUIs as well, but less educated people always prefer simple GUIs. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. The Graphical User Interface provided by CFDAdvanced is not only simple and easy but also attractive. Due to its easiness and eye-catching attributes, it easily captures the hearts of traders. In addition, the GUI of this platform consists of some hotkeys as well. These hotkeys are dedicated to a specific function that is performed by the platform with just a single click.

Getting Yourself Registered

The decision-making task, whether to go with this broker or not, is the first thing a trader does, but practically, his first step is getting himself registered with the broker. The first step in any work should be easy and convenient, not difficult so that those who are at the beginning stage of their career do not get disheartened. Keeping this in mind, CFDAdvanced has created easiness for traders in this step. When a customer clicks on the ‘open account’ button, he is presented with a short and simple registration form. The form contains only a limited number of fields that can be filled within a couple of minutes which means that the process is not time-consuming.

The trader has to fill in Name (both first and last name), birth country, email address, and contact number. Remember that you can only register yourself if you are 18+. They will verify your contact number and email address by sending a verification code, and after that, you will be cleared to go to the second step.

Accounts Offered By CFDAdvanced

Once the sign-up form is completed, then the users are asked to pick an account type which the users select mainly depending on the size of their investment. Each account type has something different to offer in its stock. There are no less than five separate account types which are named Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and VIP Account. Now I will tell you about the features of all these accounts separately so that the features do not intermingle with each other.

  • Silver Account

The account which offers the most basic features is named Silver Account. The Silver account only offers indispensable features. The minimum deposit limit is set at 10k Euros, and leverage is 1:20. A senior broker provides assistance in the management of the account. The fee charged by the platform on the silver account is 10% of the initial deposit. Some features like premium trading room, daily market reviews, and weekly managed sessions are not available in silver account owing to the basic nature of the account.

  • Gold Account

Gold account is a slightly upgraded form of a silver account as it provides few additional features. The minimum deposit limit is set at 25k Euros, and leverage is 1:40. A senior broker provides assistance in the management of the account. The fee charged by the platform on the gold account is 6% of the initial deposit. The Premium trading room is not available in the gold account, but daily market reviews and one weekly managed session are provided to the customers.

  • Platinum Account

The Platinum account is a further upgraded form of silver and gold accounts as it provides intermediate features. The minimum deposit limit extends to 100k Euros, and leverage is 1:60. An expert broker provides assistance in the management of your account. The fee charged by the platform from the platinum account holders is 5% of the initial deposit. The Premium trading room is made available, which was not available in silver and gold accounts. Daily market review and 2 to 3 weekly managed sessions are provided.

  • Diamond Account

The Diamond account is specially planned for rich traders so that it can provide additional features and comfort at the same time. The minimum deposit limit increases to 250k Euros, and leverage is 1:100. Like a platinum account, a top broker will be there to provide you assistance for risk-free trading. The fee charged by the platform on the diamond account is just 4% of the initial deposit, while the average monthly payout remains at 2.6%. The additional features provided to platinum account holders persist.

  • VIP Account

VIP account is the most advanced type of accounts that is only available for elite class VIP traders. The minimum deposit limit doubles and reaches 500k Euros, and leverage is 1:150. A team of top brokers provides help and services to manage the account effectively. The fee charged by the platform on the VIP account reaches a minimum percentage (2.5%). A separate trading room and seven weekly managed sessions are included in this option.

After deciding which account to buy, the trader needs to deposit the required funds in order to start earning as soon as possible because the free trial option is not available on any online trading platform. To make this deposit happen smoothly, CFDAdvanced provides five options for funds transfer. These options are Visa, Mastercard, SEPA, Swift, and MiFID.

Trading Academy

Trading academy is a serious measure to provide trading skills to the new users. Experienced traders can also avail this opportunity to improve themselves as the syllabus provided by CFDAdvanced covers every topic. FinTech (Financial Technology) related topics are given importance in this book. The book has 13 chapters, and it covers important topics such as the revolution in Financial Technology, the basics of investment in trading, how to allocate investment funds, and how to trade CFDs and cryptocurrencies.

In addition to the syllabus of the academy, other features include the availability of 140 expert traders who work as a teacher and follow a step by step approach to teaching trading and investment. The chat functionality within the education center is easy to use. And not last but least, a large selection of symbols is also available to make the teaching-learning process run smoothly.

Security Policies

To provide foolproof security to its customers’ money and information, CFDAdvanced has enforced two security policies. Without complying with these policies, no person is authorized to register and earn on the platform. These two fundamental policies are KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering). By following KYC policy, the platform checks the identity of the traders. The traders upload photos of identity cards as proof of identity. AML policy also works the same way but for a different purpose. It is implemented to stop money laundering and also stop the money from being used to finance terrorists. Both these policies prove that the platform is careful and wants the better of its clients.

Client Support Service

No matter how good and efficient a platform is, there comes a certain time when traders feel the urge to contact their broker. Keeping this possibility in mind, CFDAdvanced has established a top-rated customer support center that provides its services 24/6. This customer support center can be contacted through all the possible means of communication.

If you are a beginner trader and a question arises in your mind, then don’t worry because there is an FAQ (Frequently asked questions) section on the website which contains answers to all the basic and repeated questions. But if occasionally you don’t find an answer to your question, then there are other options as well. A contact form is also available on the CFDAdvanced website, which can be filled and sent to the broker if you have a query.

The form takes only two minutes to fill, and you will receive an answer from the customer support team shortly.

If you want to contact CFDAdvanced straightaway, then there are two other suitable options as well. The first one is to write and send an email to the official email address of the platform, which is provided on the website. The second option is to talk to the broker verbally. Yes, I am talking about giving your favorite broker a call. 90% of the brokers do not give their contact numbers, but CFDAdvanced has provided more than one contact number. CFDAdvanced, due to its top-notch services, is famous all over the world. This is the reason that its clients do not belong to only one geographic location. Currently, its services are being provided to 50 countries in the world. Due to this spread customer circle, CFDAdvanced has provided five different contact numbers, which are operated from five different countries for the convenience of its traders. It means that if by chance one number goes out of reach or busy, you have four other options.

Additional Services

So far, I have shared plenty of features with you, but these are not just half of the total number. One of the most intriguing features of CFDAdvanced is its market calendar. This calendar is updated after every 30 minutes and informs you about every important movement of the trading market. Another important feature of this broker is that it provides key market news directly to you via message and email services. It has two platform options as well, one for mobiles and one for computers (desktop version).


Due to CFDAdvanced’s never-ending streak of features, I have no hesitation in calling it one of the best brokers of this market. It genuinely tries to comfort, support, and help the traders instead of earning from them. This is the reason that it has already received forty+ recognition awards so far. CFDAdvanced is undoubtedly one of the best brokers of 2021.

Phillip Seefeldt

Phillip Seefeldt

Phillip Seefeldt is a skilled and perceptive news writer known for his comprehensive analysis and engaging writing style. With a commitment to accuracy and a deep understanding of current affairs, his articles provide readers with insightful perspectives and thought-provoking insights.

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