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A Bitcoiner Wins Hearts of Millions, Especially His Parents



Jan 10, 2021
A Bitcoiner Wins Hearts of Millions, Especially His Parents

Since the launch of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2009, the cryptocurrency industry has been all about money and finance. With the passage of time, the user-base in the cryptocurrency industry has experienced a surge. Especially in the year 2020, when the cryptocurrency user-base increased from 35 million active users to 100 million active users.

Although Bitcoin (BTC) has now become the most worthy and profitable investment asset for investing giants, yet it is also cherished by individuals. Bitcoin (BTC) has proven to be as special for individuals as it has been for financial institutions.

It was actually the individuals who helped the cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) with its first flight and brought it to the point where it is today. Although the individual Bitcoiners do not have even the fragment of what the investment giants invest, yet their actions are gaining more importance and worth than the giants.

Just recently, it was a Redditor who won the hearts of millions of cryptocurrency users and even the online community. The Redditor who goes by the name “u/Bigtony96”, shared his heartwarming story with the entire Reddit/Crypto community.

The user informed how had decided to pay back his parents for all the efforts and struggles they made to bring him up. He informed that he had sold the Bitcoin (BTC) that he had in his stash to pay off the mortgage on his parents’ behalf.

The Bitcoiner who goes by the name “u/Bigtony96” informed the entire Reddit/crypto community that in 3 years’ time, he had managed to accumulate a total of 6 BTC. However, he felt that it would be the right time to sell them off and pay off the remainder of his parents’ mortgage.

The user informed that he was left with an ample amount of money even after paying off the mortgage. He stated that with the remaining money, his parents can even cover the taxes, and even buy a new car.

The user shared his feelings and satisfaction with the entire community. He said that he had dreamt of doing this for his parents for a very long time. The day had finally come for him to do something very special for them.

The user also shared that his parents used to own a restaurant and were doing well from it. However, the restaurant was ravaged due to the extreme lockdowns in their area. Due to this, they were not able to generate any money to pay off the mortgage anymore.

He also shared how his father always used to tell him that he will retire as soon as his mortgage is paid off. He said that he feels to be the luckiest person in the world to have fulfilled his father’s dream.


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